Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating provides a visual way to explain everyday and occasional foods. It is part of the Australian Dietary Guidelines. This website houses a range of resources and information about the guidelines.
Be A Veg Explorer
Be a Veg Explorer is a resource that provides teachers across all primary stages with lesson plans and further suggestions to integrate sensory exploration of vegetables into their classrooms in a cross-curricular manner.
Kids in the Kitchen Manual
Kids in the Kitchen has classroom friendly recipes, rules, tips, knife handling posters and ideas to integrate cooking activities into other key learning areas. Help teach kids skills for life and expose them to simple, tasty recipes.
Kids Grow Kids Cook
Kids Grow Kids Cook is a gardening and cooking program that links to all Key Learning Areas in NSW schools. The program aims to increase the fruit and vegetable consumption by children.
Gardening in the Classroom Manual
This Gardening in the Classroom resource has lots of ideas on incorporating gardening experiences into the classroom and linking them to key learning areas.
Vege Adventure
Vege Adventure is a one week activity to promote fruit and vegetables as part of the Crunch&Sip® break at primary school. The aim is to encourage students to eat a different coloured fruit or vegetable each day of the week.
Food&ME is a unit of 5 modules specifically designed for students from preschool to year 8. Food & ME provides teachers with the necessary tools and ideas to teach nutrition within the Australian Curriculum.
Download the "How much sugar do you drink?" poster to create discussion about the sugar content of different foods and drinks.
The following teacher resources and student worksheets are available to support learning about sugar:
Student Worksheet Early Stage1/Stage 1
Student Worksheet Stage 2/Stage 3
All things Crunch&Sip can be found on the NSW Crunch&Sip website. These include the school manual, IWB ideas, stickers, case studies and other teaching resources. Crunch & Sip is a set time where students refuel on fruit, vegetables and water they pack from home.
Magic Lunchbox
The Magic Lunchbox is a captivating, fun story about packing a healthy lunchbox, especially for children in their transition to ‘big’ school. There are a number of resources available on this page around the Magic Lunchbox Story book. Click here to download a version to read to the kids on the interactive whiteboard or tables, access supporting resources and use some of the teacher guides to prompt discussion and learning.
Parent Lunchbox Information
A selection of resources for parents about healthier lunchboxes.
Hydration Chart
Discuss the importance of drinking water and how we can monitor our hydration using this simple chart.
Live Life Well @ School website
The Live Life Well @ School website offers a range of information and resources to support teaching nutrition in the classroom. These include IWB activities, lesson plans & student challenges for all stages.
Healthy Celebrations
Here are some ideas to incorporate healthy celebrations and fundraising into your school.
Superhero Foods HQ
Superhero Foods HQ is a fun nutrition education and cooking resource developed by Foodbank WA. Interactive nutrition resources for use in the classroom including lesson plans (Foundation – Year 10) linked to the Australian National Curriculum. There are complimentary resources to make nutrition education engaging and fun for students. Meet the Superhero Foods here.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program educates students to develop a lifelong appreciation of fresh, seasonal delicious food. Professional development and resources are offered to schools.