The Mull Hypothesis

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Program/Project The Mull Hypothesis
Period/Length One year
Aim To determine the nature and extent of the link between tobacco dependence and cannabis use
Year 2009-2010
Target Group North Coast men aged between 25-34
Reach 16 participants
Locations Across the North Coast of NSW
Partners National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC)
Northern Rivers University Department of Rural Health
Funding NCPIC
Full Report The Mull Hypothesis: A qualitative and quantitive study exploring the link between tobacco and cannabis use (2010)
More Information See below
Publications van Beurden EK, Zask A, Passey M, Kia AM. The Mull Hypothesis: Is cannabis use contributing to high tobacco use prevalence among young North Coast males? NSW Public Health Bulletin 2010;19(3-4):72-74.

What strategies were used?

Recruitment and screening of participants across the North Coast of NSW. These participants were interviewed in health service facilities. Participants were given a $50 voucher to reimburse them for their time and travel expenses.

What were the program outcomes?

The research revealed that mull and tobacco-only use are highly flexible, with substance substitution frequently practiced. Users have a high degree of self-regulation and factors influencing substance substitution depend upon the effects sought, the circumstances of use and smoking practices employed. Many perceived benefits of smoking mull mirrored nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Both qualitative and quantitative findings indicate that cannabis used as a mull with tobacco is strongly associated with increased tobacco smoking, nicotine dependence and difficulty in quitting use of both substances.