Term 3 2024 - Celebrate the Olympics, Healthy teeth, Road safety, Garden corner, Book nook

Term 2 2024 - Benefits of brief physical activity breaks, Traditional Indigenous Games, Getting ready for the Olympics, Garden corner, Healthier school celebrations

Term 1 2024 - PACE - energisers for the classroom, Crunch & Sip, Vegetable Week and the Big Vegie Crunch, Books - My Food, Your Food and The Vegetables We Eat, Gardening Corner and Available Grants

Term 4 2023 - Loose parts play, Waste free lunches and recycling food waste, Summer thirst, Festive season games, Kindergarten orientation resources

Term 3 2023 - Run around Australia with kilometre club, Benefits of kitchen garden programs, FIFA Women's World Cup, Fruit and Veg Month, Dental Health Week

Term 2 2023 - Help your Students be Screenwise, FIFA Women's World Cup, Developing Positive Relationships with Food, Celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture, Grants

Term 1 2023 - Vegetable Week and the Big Vegie Crunch, Crunch&Sip, Harmony Week, Active Classrooms, Grants

Term 4 2022 - Health and Physical Education ideas, Healthy Celebrations, Q4: H2O

Term 3 2022 - Cool Australia, Food Mood and Learning Outcomes, Fruit and Veg Month, Kindy O's, Vegetable Gardening in the Classroom

Term 2 2022 - Eat Fresh and Win, Breakfast, NAIDOC, Classroom Rewards, Literacy and Numeracy Through Physical Activity

Term 1 2022 - Vegetable Week, Kids in the Kitchen, Staying Hydrated, Reinvigorating Crunch&Sip, Importance of PE Post-lockdown

Term 4 2021 - Outdoor classroom day, teacher wellbeing, FMS in Action, kindy O packs

Term 3 2021 - Fruit & Veg Month, Dental Health Week, Kilometre Club, Physical Activity for Healthy Bones

Term 2 2021 - Be Well Teach Well, Lunchbox Leftovers, Nude Food, Traditional Indigenous Games, Fast Starts

Term 1 2021 - Thinking While Moving, Be a Veg Explorer, Easter Recipes, Hydration, Virtual Parent Lunchbox Sessions

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