We will add new newsletters to the list every edition we publish and send to you.

Term 3 2024   Olympics inspired activities, How to prep for Spring planting, How to teach children to leap and dribble, Book Nook - Dinner time with Isla

Term 2 2024   Book Nook - Going on a Bear Hunt, FMS Skill - Catch and Overarm throw, A look at what happened across Vegie Month, Traditional Indigenous Games

Term 1 2024  Educator training, Book Nook - Spots Harvest, FMS Skill - Jumping and Running, Vegie Month, Creating a positive eating environment

Term 4 2023 Educator training, Book Nook - Eating the Alphabet, FMS Skill - Skipping, Breastfeeding, Festive activities

Term 3 2023 NQS trivia game, FMS Skill - Kicking, Book Nook - The Champion Hare, Get Active Each Day, How to use food neutral language in services.

Term 2 2023 Let's Look at Lunches, What happened in Vegie Month, FMS Skill - Jumping, Book Nook - Tiddalick, Screen Use in the First 2000 Days

Term 1 2023 Vegie Month, Traditional Indigenous Games, Choose Water as a Drink, Book Nook - Give Peas a Chance, the First 2000 Days

Term 4 2022 Festive Celebrations, Staff Development Kit, Book Nook - Giraffes Can’t Dance, Minimoves - Stationary Dribble

Term 3 2022 Munch & Move Case Studies, ACECQA ‘Quest for Quality’ Game, Mystery Bag Activity, Book Nook - A Fruit is a Suitcase for Seeds, Minimoves - Catching

Term 2 2022  Refresher Webinar, Vegie Month Recap, FMS Resources, Book Nook - Hope Skip and Jump Maisy,  Minimoves - Overarm Throw

Term 1 2022 Vegie Month, Active Play Audit Tool, Book Nook - Growing Vegetable Soup, Minimoves - Galloping

Term 4 2021 Educator training, 12 days fitmas, Christmas cooking, Fuss Free Mealtimes, Book nook, Minimoves - Leaping

Term 3 2021 Fuss Free Mealtimes, Healthy Harold Challenge, Developmental Buidling Blocks, World Breastfeeding Week

Term 2 2021 Cooks Training, Munch & Move eLearning, Nude Food and Snack Price Comparison, Turn Off the Screens and Get Active, Yulunga Traditional Indigenous Games

Term 1 2021 Vegie Month and the Big Vegie Crunch, Parent and Staff Sessions, Oral Health eLearning, Pizza Muffins, Mini Moves - Jump

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