Pick and mix: 8-12 months

From 8-12 months babies can start to move to more finger foods. Babies will start to hold foods between their thumb and index finger (pincer grip).  This means they will be able to start to hold thinner slices or shredded foods.

Munch with a slight crunch

Start to feed your baby more finger foods and family meals that aren’t blended (but are still soft). Examples are:

Thick dense bread crusts and toast fingersCheese sticks

Cooked pasta, rice or quinoaSlices pieces of lightly steamed vegetables

Slices of soft fruitNut butters

Small tender pieces of meat or fishAll in one meals eg chilli con carne

Yoghurt and berriesOmelette with vegetables

Bento box

For ideas on how to offer specific foods based on your babies age see First Foods for Babies Starting Solids – Solid Starts

Continue iron rich foods

Foods high in iron are important for brain development into adulthood. Examples of iron rich foods are:

Weetbix in a bowl with milkBowl of spinach

Family foods

Serve your child what the family eats. Offer a smaller serve and change the texture of some foods if necessary. Examples are:

selection of plates of foods in different sizes based on age of child
selection of plates of foods in different sizes based on age of child

Baby’s growth and development

 Continue to introduce new types of foods to support your baby's growth

 Encourage feeding themselves by holding food or spoons to help them develop fine motor skills

Avoid foods high in fats, sugar and salt.  These foods provide little nourishment and can make healthier foods less appealing


  • At around 8 months, give breastmilk/formula after food.
  • Continue breastmilk/formula until at least 12 months.
  • At 12 months of age, child can drink cows milk from an open cup, rather than infant formula.
  • Continue to offer boiled tap water that has been cooled. Using an open cup is best.